How to create and submit an Order

Creating an Order

Retailers and Suppliers are able to create orders through their Zitcha accounts. For each order, they can run multiple ads simultaneously using different Ad Types.

Follow the following steps to create a new a new order:

  1. Click the Add  Add menu button and select Order. Select a Retailer to place an order with.

1. Select Retailer

2. Enter the Order name and hit enter or click the green check button to save. 

3. Order Name

3. To start building your order, click on the Create New Ad button. This will pull up the Ad type selection.

4. Create Ad

4. Select an ad type based on your campaign objective. You can use the four different tabs (By Channel, By Media, By Goals, Package) to filter the Ad types. Click Add to Order to start working on the Ad.

3. Banner Ad

Building the Ad

Use the Preview pane to see the progress of your ad then complete your Ad details using the Properties section. Ad requirements might change depending on what Ad type you’ve selected. In the example below, we’ll use a Facebook Image Ad.

7. Facebook Ad

  1. Select an Objective then click Next
  2. Set the contents of your Ad: Headline, Body text, Link description and Call to Action then click Next.

3. Add your media assets by clicking the + button or dragging the image in the box. Click Next. A preview will appear in the Preview pane on the left.

8. Attach Media-1

4. Set your budget. The minimum budget will show if your Retailer has set a minimum budget. Click Next.

9. Set Budget

5. Add an audience or select from an existing saved audiences. Click Next.

10. Set Audiences

6. Confirm or update your order start and end dates.

11. Confirm Date

7. Review your budget and Ad details. When you’re ready to publish your ad, click Place Order on the top right corner of your dashboard. 

Click Save as Draft if you’d like to save the order and continue to work on it later without submitting it for review.

12. Place Order

An order notification will be sent to your partnering Retailer. Once reviewed and approved, your Ad will be scheduled for delivery.